ExcelWraps Tenant Control Landing Site

This is a tenant control landing site for ExcelWraps.com. You will be redirected here if your tenant site has been suspended. Occasionally we suspend tenant sites for minor maintenance activities when the down time is less than 10 minutes.

Startup Accounts

A shared ExcelWraps web site on a shared server. The shared site has fixed user roles (User, Operative, Supervisor, Manager, Client and Supplier) and is administered by the ExcelWraps team. It brings all the benefits of wraps immediately avoiding any site setup issues. More...

Business Accounts (Over 50 Users)

Your own ExcelWraps web site on a shared server. Enjoy administrator control of your ExcelWraps web site with full control of the site content management system and full control of site users (user role configuration and access controls). Data is gathered in on your site-wide MS SQL database fully integrated with our MyWraps reporting system. Free trial available. More...

Corporate Accounts (Over 500 Users)

Many ExcelWraps web sites on dedicated servers. Enjoy the cost benefits of aggregating user count over all your ExcelWraps web sites. Customisable high performance servers are dedicated to your users alone. Our Corporate assurance package covers server inheritance guarantee and source code escrow provision. More...